Popular home exercises for men

When you walk into a crowded gym Opens a New Window.  and every single bench and machine is taken by a bigger, stronger guy—or, worse yet, by that bro doing curls in the squat rack—you could just turn around, walk out of the gym, and say you’ll come back later.  🔻

But you’re not a chump, and this is no walk in the park—this is your gym time, dammit, and there’s no way you’re skipping your daily shred session just because some knuckleheads are taking up all the gear. 🔻

So instead of waiting an eternity for the bench to free up, find a spare corner of the gym and do these bodyweight Opens a New Window.  moves instead. With these in your arsenal, you’ll burn belly fat for a stronger, shredded midsection Opens a New Window.  in no time. 🔻

1. Pushup
This one’s a timeless classic. The pushup is essential for building a big chest, cannonball delts, and triceps that look like the wishbone you pulled out of the turkey on Thanksgiving. Master this move and it will yield the same benefits as the bench press.

2. Pullup
Another classic move. The pullup hits every muscle in the body and is underrated in terms of arm and abs development. It stands alone as the original biceps curl, and it’s definitely one of the best things you can do for your arms—not to mention the muscles in your back.

3. Plank
Plenty of fitness experts think holding a plank Opens a New Window.  for a minute-plus is a very impressive measure of fitness. The plank requires excellent shoulder stability and top-notch muscle endurance of the abs, lower back, shoulders, neck, and legs. Not only that, but it works well to develop an impressive six-pack (more time under tension = more muscle).

4. Rollout (ab wheel or barbell)
Okay, this one’s not quite equipment-free—you’ll need an ab roller or a barbell. But the ab tension you feel in the rollout is similar to what you experience in a plank—just a notch more difficult. The farther you roll out, the harder the exercise becomes, leading to better results. (It’s also a great exercise for shorter guys Opens a New Window.  for that reason.) Plus, you’ll look like a total badass.

5. Glute Bridge
Yeah, not exactly the prettiest exercise (it’s downright awkward, like these moves Opens a New Window. ) but any trainer will tell you that having strong, mobile glutes is essential for good back health—and other experts agree that having a set of glutes does wonders for your sex appeal. 

6. Inverted Row
Arguably as versatile a back exercise as the pullup, the inverted row is a great opposing motion to work with the pushup. Turn your hands around so you’re holding the bar underhand, and you’ve got a better bicep builder than any curl variation out there. It’s a key exercise for building wide shoulders and big arms—and that means more attention on the beach this summer.

7. Close-Grip Pushup
This pushup variation specifically targets your triceps—and big triceps make your arms look that much bigger. Plus: Since all your muscles (including biceps and triceps) grow in pairs, bigger triceps means bigger biceps. Add this move to your arm workout and watch your progress soar.

8. Star Plank
This advanced variation of the plank not only creates a greater challenge for your core, but also forces your chest Opens a New Window.  and shoulders to pick up some of the load. It also proves you can work your chest, shoulders, and abs at the same time.

9. Burpee
The No. 1 favorite exercise of any trainer who wants to help their clients burn fat Opens a New Window. , the burpee has become a staple in programs from bootcamps to CrossFit and everything in between (in fact, it was made popular by CrossFit Opens a New Window. ). A full-body explosive motion that requires better cardio than hill sprints and more coordination than nearly any exercise, there’s no doubt that a steady diet of burpees will accelerate your progress toward a leaner, shredded body.

10. Dip
Many people think the dip is primarily a triceps exercise—and while that’s definitely true, dips also hit your chest and shoulders just as hard. Another underrated aspect of the dip is the core strength it takes to do them properly. Dips aren’t for the faint of heart (just try a few) but they can be your greatest ally in getting big pecs and overall upper-body strength.

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